Robert Kilroy-Silk, IS NOT the best leader for UKIP!
Submit your comments below! I have opened this blog, so that Ukip members may have an opportunity to make their opinion known through the comments facility. If UKIP membership information can be supplied it will clearly help to provide an accurate view of relevant opinion.
" 'If the party decides it doesn't want me, I'm very relaxed. There are other things I could do.' Is he saying that he would leave UKIP altogether? 'That is something I will have to give considerable thought to.' "
Well, there you have it in a nutshell.
RKS's support comes from new inexperienced members. But at the Conference I didn't meet a single established activist willing to risk having RKS as leader. He lacks commitment to UKIP, as the quote above shows.
In fact, the entire Sunday Telegraph article reads like a spoilt little boy complaining that he hasn't been given the Christmas present he thought he was going to get.
One activist said that RKS could lead us to the pinnacle of achievement ... or straight over the edge. I added that I had no doubt that in the latter event he would be the first into the lifeboats.
Of course, UKIP used him in the euro-elections, to great effect. But we were all well aware that he was using us too. He made it very clear that he would not have joined UKIP had he not been sacked by the BBC ... which leads to the very real worry that the moment another television company offers him a lucrative television contract, he'll be off, whether or not he is leader. Therefore it is best not to let him be leader.
You need to look past the veneer and recognise that at the end of the day RKS is only a mere media personality. He's a great orator and he knows how to manipulate the media, but he lacks gravitas and most of all he lacks experience. How long has he been out of Parliament? Must be at least 15 years, maybe 20.
One activist at Conference described RKS as 'lazy'. I tend to agree. And anyone who says something irresponsible like "wreck the European Parliament" is not ready to lead anybody.
What RKS needs to show us all is a little humility.
Killjoy is a waste of space and doing immense harm to the party. Politically, he has very little experience compared to Roger Knapman who has actually served in government! Killjoy's ego is so big it's a wonder he fitted in the Colston Hall. If he wants to be taken seriously, he needs to work hard for the party under the current leadership. When the post of leader vomes up in a couple of years he will be then be able to put himself forward as a serious candidate and attract support based on his track record. I have received many comments about this issue (in the region of 30 - 40) and only 1 supported Killjoy.
One further comment, I think that this website is a complete waste of time and the morons running it are just trying to stop UKIP building on their success to date. One wonders who is behind them.
The above comment and words used is typical of the type of people running UKIP today. The sooner this old school network is broken up the better. Kilroy is the man to do it.
The above comment was not made by someone involved in the running of UKIP or part an old school network. It was submitted by someone who believes that people who support Kilroy show little political knowledge and are easily led by the media. Personally, I have a very low opinion of the media and the "showbiz" set who seem so full of their own importance.
I happen to believe that discussion about internal party matters should be kept internal. The only purpose for raising such matters in the media is to try and destroy UKIP. Why don't Kilroy and his mediocre band just toddle off to another party and let those who want to work for a successful UKIP General Election Campaign get on with their work? Indeed, if he is so wonderful why doesn't he form the Kilroy-Silk party and take his groupies with him?
I intend to continue working hard for UKIP under the present leadership. It may not be perfect but has proved very successful for us so far. Just because the established parties like to have childish tantrums about their leaders from time to time doesn't mean that UKIP members have to behave in the same infantile manner.
Re From Anonymous Posting 3.13 pm
Quote"I happen to believe that discussion about internal party matters should be kept internal. The only purpose for raising such matters in the media is to try and destroy UKIP"
Internal 'discussion' is not kept internal because it is sent out to the media and to 'useful' members by the leadership. Also 'discussion' is " this is how it is going to be, right, decided then, sent out as policy.
Votes are what will free Britain from the EU:
Kilroy's result in the East Midlands was breathtaking, Compare the increase to other regions:
East Midlands
1999 - 7.6%
2004 - 26.10%
Nearly a fourfold increase
South West
1999 - 10.70%
2004 - 22.60%
Approx doubled
South East
1999 - 9.80%
2004 - 19.80%
Approx doubled
So the East Midlands became the UK's most eurosceptic region after just a few weeks of Kilroy's campaigning. So if you want Votes have Kilroy as leader - if you want to hand the initiative back to the Tories then deride him as you have done.
If you think that Kilroy is such a vote winner you should look at the YouGov poll in the London Evening Standard today. When voters in the East Midlands, where Mr Kilroy-Silk wants to be an MP, were asked for voting intentions, 11 per cent of voters said they would be more likely to support UKIP if he was candidate but 24 per cent would be less likely to.
A lot of water has passed under the bridge since the EU elections in June and clearly Kilroy has not found favour with the voters in his own area of the East Midlands!
Absolute Nonsense
Real Votes or a YouGov poll
I know what I prefer
It was the best days work the Brussells Broadcasting Association did for the United Kingdom when they sacked Robert for speaking the TRUTH. Our country is going to the dogs and it is the established partys that are doing it. In Europe but not ruled by Europe is a NONSENSE. Renegotiating illeagle treaties is a NONSENSE. Being ruled by foreigners in another land is a NONSENSE.Europolice with diplomatic immunity is a NONSENSE. No control of our borders is a NONSENSE. As for the people who condemn Robert Kilroy Silk for his honesty and integrity they are full of mischief making NONSENSE. However they like me are entitled to let their feelings be known. It is called freedom of speech / democracy. Something people in less happier lands do not have.In this day and age and we should not take our freedom and democracy for granted. Patrina Holdsworth and her close associates should allow without delay a vote of the membership as to whom should lead UKIP.
Sorry I forgot to say I am a member of UKIP in the East Midlands in the comments I have just sent
There is a lot more depth to Kilroy than you suggest. He's been an MP and in the spotlight of national TV for two decades. I don't accept that this is some kind of ego trip for him. I believe that Kilroy wholeheartedly gave his support to the cause of UKIP but was being 'put down' by the present leaders BEFORE he decided to go for the leaders position. Did you see Dick Morris (Roger Knapman's right hand man) on Question Time just a week after UKIP's success. Personally, I found his performance made me cringe and the way he spoke about Kilroy made me angry. So Kilroy had a choice, he was going to spend the next five years being the doormat of the present leaders, or he would attempt to take control and continue the roll THAT HE STARTED.
Roger Knapman did not take the job when no one else wanted it, other relevant people at that time were persuaded to withdraw. Roger Knapman was the ideal candidate as someone who was willing to be a figurehead and be manipulated and it has worked very well for the those who secured it, but not for the good of the party that largely accepts not rocking the boat as preferable to finding out just how rotten the main structure is.
Secondly,he is not necessarily a good administrator, being unwilling to access the technologies of administration. What he is, is a good 'whip' in the guise of a country gentlemen, this was his most successful role in the Conservative Government. A Whip's skills are a great advantage for the priority of keeping a party in the dark and in line. They are not leadership qualities. Neither is the 'power at any price' ambition which has been practised through the conduit of Roger Knapman. Neither 'whip' or 'power at any price'are the reasons for Robert Kilroy-Silk offering to lead the party. He has joined the right battle for the right reasons, at what we hope is the right time. Whether the party at large can realize this or not will either leave them in a sub-standard hull or the first real chance of a new fighting craft.
Roger Knapman did not take the job when no one else wanted it, other relevant people at that time were persuaded to withdraw. Roger Knapman was the ideal candidate as someone who was willing to be a figurehead and be manipulated and it has worked very well for those who secured it, but not for the good of the party that largely accepts not rocking the boat as preferable to finding out just how rotten the main structure is.
Secondly , he is not necessarily a good administrator, being unwilling to access the technologies of administration. What he is, is a good 'whip' in the guise of a country gentlemen, this was his most successful role in the Conservative Government. A Whip's skills are a great advantage for the priority of keeping a party in the dark and in line. They are not leadership qualities. Neither is the 'power at any price' ambition which has been practised through the conduit of Roger Knapman. Neither 'whip' or 'power at any price'are the reasons for Robert Kilroy-Silk offering to lead the party. He has joined the right battle for the right reasons, at what we hope is the right time. Whether the party at large can realize this or not will either leave them in a sub-standard hull or the first real chance of a new fighting craft.
Never mind kilroy, who is Martin? Seems like either a Political Anorak or a mole for the E.U.
Martin why don't you do a self blog - Martin Uncovered? A sad tale of internet stalking. As for Kilroy, if he's not careful he will become David Icke from planet zog and join you soon.
Notice the tone once again from those who oppose the facts posted on this website. We all owe Martin a great favour for the time and effort he spends to show people what is really happening at the heart of UKIP. I'm sure there are better things he could do with his time - but then who else would expose this morally bankrupt leadership!!
Knapman was a Tory whip. The notorious qualities needed by a 'good' whip are espionage ; bullying ; blackmail ; plotting and deceit. UKIP is sick of these qualities dominating the leadership and is riven with dissatisfaction under Knapman. He MUST GO whether or not he is succeeded by Kilroy-Silk as most of us wish. If you had seen Kilroy-Silk spellbinding us at Wokingham two nights ago you would not waste time debating the alternative(s).
I lost all belief in YOUGOV polls two years ago when I visited the site only to find that : 1. They paid the voters (fifty p would you believe?). 2. They made them register in advance and declare their views. 3. They selected the ones who would vote each time. I later discovered their Tory links and their then ownership by the Tory millionaire Wheeler who was instrumental in removing IDS as leader. As someone already said : real votes are what counts. YOUGOV is manipulatable.
Some of these people on here should get a life. Seems a bit fishy that if you look at the blogs being promoted here there are none that criticise Lab or Lib? What needs to be uncovered is to what is really behind this Blog? The other guy was right, if Kilroy does a David Icke he will soon be forgotten and then UKIP can get on with the business it is there for.
It is Farage and Knapman that should do an Icke. They have been smarting since their humiliation at the conference when they were roundly defeated by the wider membership on THEIR (not the members) plans to cosy up to the Tory Party. Then Nigel Farage had the cheek to go on national TV to say that the members were 'drunk on success' at the conference. No wonder Nigel Farage and Co want rid of Kilroy before a leadership contest starts. The members are fed up with the politics peddled by Farage, Knapman et al. It's time for a new leader and for transparency at the heart of UKIP. The wheeling and dealing and clever tricks must go. Kilroy-Silk is a straight talker who will return democracy to UKIP and power to the ordinary members. LET THE MEMBERS DECIDE!
Unforunately, the peddling and deceit has gone on too long, reached out too far and become entrenched in certain quarters. It is a bit like gangrene, it affects and renders a limb useless for it's original function, becoming a conduit for future deceit. As with gangrene, the treatment is surgical.
Unfortunately, the peddling and deceit has gone on too long, reached out too far and become entrenched in certain quarters. It is a bit like gangrene, it affects and renders a limb useless for it's original function, becoming a conduit for future deceit. As with gangrene, the treatment is surgical
Unfortunately, the peddling and deceit has gone on too long, reached out too far and become entrenched in certain quarters. It is a bit like gangrene, it affects and renders a limb useless for it's original function, becoming a conduit for future deceit. As with gangrene, the treatment is surgical
Kilroy will be out of the Party soon, so he can form a party of 2 with Martin. (The Kilroy and Martin Party)
It is Farage and Knapman that would be left with the shell of a party if they decide to push Kilroy out. The hundred or so puppet chairmen (who think they know better than their branch members) had better start making their pacts with the Tories now because they won't have the ground troops to run a decent campaign.
One thing is certain though - If UKIP's leaders make pacts with the Tories (contrary to the democratic decision at conference), and they have also ejected the best hope for UK Independence, then a new party will arise, to give the British public the opportunity to vote for British independence in every single constituency of the UK. That will be a natural process in the same way the UKIP came to be born.
With four and a half years to the European Elections, and Kilroy being the most likely person to become an MP (whether he is in or out of UKIP) from the eurosceptic ranks, a new democratic, true political party (which fights in every constituency) would do very well. Hopefully Farage and Knapman will come to their senses, but if they don't then they will be the losers.
Whether Knapman or Silk will make the better leader I don't know.
But I do know that it is usual practice for UKIP MEPs to claim the full monty at the Brussels gravyboat and give the surplus to party funds.
Currently two MEPs refuse to do this as they regard it as their own personal gravy.
One of these is Kilroy and the other is his chief supporter Gerrard Batten ...odd that??
So you've got two individuals who wont share the spoils and who want the leadership of the party or they'll go off and start their own party.... hmmmm, now thats a dream ticket I really want to vote ofr, NOT!
Max Clifford got it right on Sunday when he said with his colouring, (Bottled tan), and fondness of talking, he could get Kilroy a job promoting Orange telecoms.
Do we really need to listen to the personal insults of a man who made a small fortune (to must of us) from UKIP in June. Did his latest insult come with a fee attached?
So from this Blog we have Learnt 'Martin' is really a left wing shit stirrer who supports the Lab/Lib cabal and really is just trying to destroy any party to the right of loony-left land.
Sorry 'Martin' you are going to have to try a lot better.
UKIP is not going away and will survive whatever Kilroy, Loony Left moles, or Leadership spats come up. Within a couple of weeks the air will clear one way or another, and then what will you have to write about?
Unlike the Tory party there will be no Michael Heseltine or Wet wing, constantly spoiling the show.
Why should the ordinary UKIP members be refused a vote on their leader? The ordinary members never voted for a whip in John Major's government to be their leader. It was foisted upon them by way of a cosy deal sewn up by UKIP's high command. The same high command that created a political committee to oversee elections and decided that UKIP should not stand in two by-elections. Was that to save the Tory party from further embarrasment? You can come on here to criticise Martin, but good will come of Martin's blog, the day that this old tarnished leadership are swept away and a fresh team emerges without any allegiances or secret pledges. It's time for the Branches and their members to force the leadership issue this side of Christmas and have that new team in place for 2005.
Could the person who gave details of the UKIP gravyboat slush fund give some factual details. Who controls the slush fund? If it is Nigel Farage or Roger Knapman it is little wonder that RKS and Batten refuse to be a part of it. And whilst we are on the subject of gravytrains, perhaps the same person could enlighten us as to whether Farage, Titford, Knapman etc will be paying into UKIP's slush fund the equivalent value of their EU Pension? I understand the EU pension scheme is one of the best in the world, and with Titford and Farage knocking up 10 years service it must be worth a pretty penny! What is UKIP policy on this?
Why should the Membership be denied a vote? What disengenuos claptrap. There are only 2 people who want such a thing. Martin and Kilroy. Why should the party waste time and money on an excercise to preen the egos of a couple of Prima Donnas? If you are such a good mole and know everything, why not get hold of a membership list and write to everyone personally with an S.A.E. The Reply Address would probably be Millbank or where-ever Labour has its' dis-information HQ these days.
I suppose you feel it was a left wing plot that brought Kilroy to UKIP! Shame there wasn't a left wing plot in the North East - at least there wouldn't have been that ludicrous decision to join forces with the Tories. Thank goodness Neil Herron is there, his campaign may yet save the day.
There is a tremendous split in UKIP. Those who are still Tory at heart and those who have no old allegiances. A party with Kilroy the leader, with no baggage and no donors to appease will do far better - attracting the masses that would never vote for Knapman, Farage etc.
Found on the website - posted today
"As a constituency chairman I was called by UKIP to ask whether I wanted a leadership election and if so who I would vote for.
Suggested that I should consult the committee first, but it was my personal opinion that they wanted. This I gave but suggest that this is worth no more than that of an individual UKIP member (or member of the public for that matter).
It's wrong of Farage to claim that he and Knapman have party support. They will only know this when Knapman wins the leadership contest which I hope he has the sense to call very soon."
So there we have it - democracy in action - don't ask your committee members for their views. Will UKIP Branch chairmen up and down the country ever be trusted again!!
Oh dear, Looks as if it will now be a party of one. The Martin Laugh-in-Party (Without Rowan). Kilroy is right when he says that UKIP should field a seat in every part of the country, and has seen sense that if he wants to be Leader one day he should put the party first before any personal ambitions. The Leadership however must follow the grass roots and not do any deals with anyone. If this is resolved UKIP can continue moving forward rapidly and leave Martin behind in his Goldfish Bowl Blogworld.
RE: "UKIP gravy slush fund"
There is no central slush fund... MEPs give over the surplus to their regional office
One MEP has just paid £7k out of his own pocket for a mailing to members... and not a mailing about the Leadership I might add.
Kilroy Sulk has gone. Now Martin of New Labour can pursue his blog with an audience of one.
Well you've won. You've driven out UKIP's dream ticket to election success. By the way Messrs Farage and Knapman - When did aspiring to be the leader of a party become a sackable offence?
Mind you, Kilroy must feel good tonight, cut free from that self centred power hungry pack. I don't suppose he knew what hit him when he was elected. Perhaps he should have read this blog first!
Kilroy is free to start his own party which he said he was going to do. So why isn't he? The answer, is because he knows he won't succeed and will look even a bigger twat than he is now. So if he can't succeed in the big bad world, why is he trying to discredit UKIP and act like a petulant kid wrecking the playroom? Like a typical celebrity he jumped on a bandwagon when it suited him, and now that it hasn't gone his way he starts a monster sulk. It is bad that he just resigned the whip instead of leaving the party altogether. But then, maybe this is just to keep himself in the public eye so that the fly on the wall documentary being made about him will give this vainglorious man another publicity fix when he gets withdrawal symptons. And I predict the timing for the showing of this carefully edited mock-umentary will be so that it will try and inflict damage onto UKIP at election time. All carefully planned and stage managed from the word go. Do you honestly expect anyone, apart from the imaginary people in 'Martin's' fantasy blog-world of conspiracy theories to vote for this Petulant Preener? And this Nerd 'Martin' must work for Labour. Why doesn't Martin uncover himself and tell us who he is, who he works for, and why he is obsessed?
UKIP is put at 4% in the latest opinion poll. After the success of the European Election this must be seen as a massive disapointment. So what's wrong? - we've got the wrong crowd in charge and it has been that way since 1999. I do not know Martin, but I respect what he's done on this blog. So many of us have seen the bitter infighting that takes place from month to month, year to year - only this time its in the public domain and we can see for ourselves the injustice of the situation. Kilroy is being treated badly, no worse though than many patriotic individuals who have seen their dreams destroyed after being stamped on during the past 5 years. His crime was to publicly declare a wish to be leader. And that is simply not allowed by the present dictatorship. And that is why they will try to expel him from the party. Some of us have seen worse behaviour than this from the small core who control the party. But RKS is a public figure and this time it cannot be hidden.
This isn't about British independence, it's about the enjoyment of controlling and manipulating people. But it's come to an end. Expel RKS and UKIP will be finished. Keep RKS and UKIP will do well, he will become leader and the present leadership will be finished. We'll see on Monday but I don't see the NEC voting for their own downfall - they'd rather see UKIP go down with them.
Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah ad infinitum. While Martin gazes at his navel everyone else has moved on.
Uncovering Martin - This is what this blog is all about. Martin Cole tried to become a Candidate for UKIP but was turned down. The 2 people on his hate list, Mr Knapman and Mr Farrage were strangely not in the equation when he made the decision to put his name forward. While UKIP was slowly growing under the Leadership of Mr. Knapman no-one noticed or wanted to jump on the bandwagon. Now because of success a lot of Chancers have jumped onto the bandwagon. At the same time Moles are coming out of the woodwork and the more success UKIP has, the more flak they will attract. Seems like a case of sour grapes to me.
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